QuickBooks Error 80029c4a (Error loading type library/DLL)

Methods to Fix QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a

QuickBooks error code 80029c4a is acommonly displayed error, which is encountered when the user tries to open the QuickBooks application. QuickBooks experts recommend it to fix this error as soon as possible. If you want to know the ways to solutions to fix QuickBooks error code 80029c4a (update methods), then simply read out this article, or youcan also dial our toll-free number. Our experts and certified QuickBooks professionals will help you in dealing with the error in no time.

What is Error 80029c4a and Why does it occur?

This error generally appears when the usertries to launch the QuickBooks, and the file is damaged. It is generally quite simple to identify such error, as an error box appears on the screen with the notification and the error code. The causes of this error can be:

  • This error can occur in caseone or more than one QuickBooks desktop files get corrupted or are misplaced.
  • Or, if the QuickBooksapplication itself gets corrupted, in such case the error can be encountered.
  • Another reason can be, when anyvirus or malware infection corrupts the windows system files or QuickBooks related program files.

How to get rid of QuickBooks error code 80029c4a error?

There can be more than one rectificationmethods that can be used by the QuickBooks users to get rid of such error. In this blog, we will be exploring a few of them:

Reinstalling the QuickBooks application

Reinstalling the software itself might workin resolving such error. The steps involved in this process are as follows:

  • The user is required to lookfor a computer that is not on the network.
  • After that, the user isrequired to launch the QuickBooks on the machine and then look for the license
    and product number, from the About option.
  • Once done with that, the useris required to click on the Start button, followed by selecting Control Panel
    and then visit the list of Installed programs.
  • The next step is to find theQuickBooks option in the list, and then Uninstall it.
  • The last step is to click onthe repair option available on the uninstall dialog box, and finally hit the
    next option, and you are good to go.

Restarting the system

In certain cases, restarting the systemmight also work. Many of the QuickBooks related problems, can be easily fixed just restarting the computer.

Following any of the above methods, mightwork in your favor. However, if the user is still facing the QuickBooks error code 80029c4a issue, then it is recommended to get in touch with our QuickBooks desktop supportteam by simply dialing our toll-free number 1-800-761-1787. Our team will ensure to provide the finest possible services, as they have years of experience and expertise in dealing with the QuickBooks associated issues.