How to Solve QuickBooks Error 1321 When Modifying the File

How to Fix QuickBooks Error 1321

QuickBooks error code 1321 is encountered,in case the installer is unable to write the file, due to lack in permissions. If you are also facing such kind of error, then it is suggested to get in touch with our QuickBooks support team by dialing our toll-free number+1(800)761-1787, or you can also go through the blog below. By reading this blog carefully, the user can easily fix the QuickBooks error code 1321 codes without any hassles.

Causes ofthe QuickBooks Error 1321

  • In case the user encountersdelay in copying a file process.
  • QB update installation processgets blocked by antivirus or firewall settings.
  • If the file referenced in theerror is damaged, the error might be encountered.

What can lead to QuickBooksError code 1321?

Try to download and install the update

  • Whenever the user experiencesthe error code, the user is required to simply click on the Retry tab, to finish the update process.
  • After that, the user should hitthe Cancel option, followed by clicking on Options icon, in case the problem persists.
  • Then, disable the antivirus programfor temporary purpose.
  • And the last step is to tryagain and install the QuickBooks properly.


Edit the Windows permissions on the folder

  • The first step is to press theWindows+ R, and open the Run box.
  • Once done with that, the useris required to enter the path for the folder that is containing the QB program files in the Open field.
  • Now, the user is required topress Enter Key.
  • The next step is to select theView option and then choose the Customize this folder option, in the new window.
  • After that, visit the Securitytab.
  • Once done with that, click onthe Admin tab.
  • Followed by selecting the Allowcheckbox next to Full Control.
  • The next step is to selectSystem.
  • After which again Select Allowcheckbox.
  • Now, the user is required tohit Ok, in order to close the Properties window.
  • And the final step is to install the QuickBooks desktop.

With this, we come to the end of the blogpost and also hope that it might be of some help to you. however, if you require expert assistance, or you face any difficulty, you can simply get in touch with our QuickBooks support team, by dialing our toll-free number +1(800)761-1787,and you are good to go.